Businesses are leaving California because people like Governor Newsome are terrible leaders and drive once prosperous states into the ground.

Business are leaving California because:

  1. High Business taxes
  2. High property costs
  3. Quality people fleeing the state so they have no good employees

There are over 500,000 small businesses in California. There are over 50 billionaires in California. But there are also a lot of poor people in California. In fact, Californians now pay more state income taxes than any other state! In addition, Californians pay 12.3 percent higher than the typical American for housing, 14.9 percent higher for food, and 12.0 percent higher for transportation.

So it is no surprise that businesses are leaving California as the state becomes less attractive to business owners and residents alike. In fact, there are over 2 million fewer working individuals today in California than there were in 2007, the year before the great recession hit. That is a drop of almost 6 percent. Meanwhile, the national unemployment rate has dropped by about half since then.

“Why are businesses leaving California?” is a question we’ve been hearing a lot of late. There are countless reasons but here are just a few of the more prominent ones. #1 – In California, it’s easier to get an “illegal” gun than a legal one. That’s right, you can walk into a gun show and buy an illegal assault rifle but it’s nearly impossible to legally purchase any gun that isn’t at least 50 years old. #2 – In California, buying a car without air conditioning is perfectly legal. However, it is illegal to have tinted windows which makes driving in any area where there is sunshine (e.g., almost everywhere in California) almost intolerable during the summer months.

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