The reason is that gun legislation is passed by legislators who have never fired a weapon in their lives.

Simply going to a gun range and firing a couple different weapons, both with and without a suppressor, was all that was required of them. It has been offered to them on an ongoing basis by a number of firearms organizations to do just that – at no expense to the public. There hasn’t been a single Democrat who has accepted the offer.

According to common conception, suppressors are mostly sought after by or useful to criminals in their endeavors. Their most vociferous believers, as with many other such views, appear to know little or nothing about weapons and are only concerned with making them as unpleasant to use as possible.
According to common conception, suppressors are mostly sought after by or useful to criminals in their endeavors. Their most vociferous believers, as with many other such views, appear to know little or nothing about weapons and are only concerned with making them as unpleasant to use as possible.

That is why the possession of a suppressor during a violent or drug-related crime carries a statutory minimum punishment of 30 years in prison. It is one of the most severe penalties available under federal law.


Of all, it is empirically evident to everyone that there is no shortage of hitmen in the style of Agent 47 prowling the streets. The usual argument nowadays is that a suppressed firearm may not sound like a firearm, and public safety may be jeopardized if people are unable to distinguish between a gunshot and something else. This is a bit ridiculous because there is no distinct sound that distinguishes a gunshot, and people already confuse them on a regular basis. A number of large city police departments are concerned that it will interfere with their “shot spotter” systems, which are networks of microphones that passively detect the sound of possible gunfire.

Suppressors are already exceedingly infrequent in the criminal justice system as it is. The majority of arrests are for simple possession. It is not necessary to utilize them in order to receive the 30-year sentence; simply having one in your home while also selling cannabis is sufficient. In the event that they were some sort of miracle device, criminals would take advantage of them. If you look at the data in that link, you will notice that suppressed firearms are considerably less likely to be used than unsuppressed firearms, according to the federal government. (The most common type of crime using firearms is the brandishing or threat of force.) Typically, muggers and thieves are not involved in the murder business.

To make a gun “silent” from the standpoint of public safety, it is necessary to employ ammunition that travels slower than sound in order to achieve this. Otherwise, the bullet will simply create a sonic boom as a result of its impact. Slower bullets are less lethal and have a shorter range. When you attach a suppressor to a firearm, it becomes far less concealable. Firearms are still considered to be line-of-sight weapons.

Several European countries require target shooters to use suppressors in order to protect their hearing and lessen the nuisance of noise. They don’t appear to be experiencing any difficulties. Ignorance is not only bliss, but it is also favored.

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